Tuesday, August 9, 2011



"It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgement to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president...The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

What does a leader do? A leader is many things. They have the ability to get others to work towards a common goal. But it doesn't stop there. If the goal to be obtained is generally accepted and desired by everyone then it doesn't take a leader to get them to the desired conclusion. It only takes an organizer. A leader takes a people that are not in agreement and gets them to work together towards a unified purpose. Leading is hard. It is a special quality that is truly only embodied in a few.

The problems that are facing America today are not systemic failures of a broken system. These problems are curable symptoms of a system that is gasping for true leadership. The economic engine of our country is stalling. For too long the electorate has blindly followed politicians with pocketfuls of promises and over hyped super egos that are continually fed by a media that is not just content on controlling what cereal we eat and what store we buy our clothes from. They now want to control our choices in elected officials. And make no mistake, they are very good at it.

The decision on how we proceed from this very important point in our countries history is in our hands, individually. We have to reach deep down into ourselves and overcome the fear that has been sold to us. We must realize that fear is nothing more than a controlling mechanism used by those who want us to make a decision that is not based in actual thought but rather emotion. Gold sellers preach the end of the worlds monetary systems to get you to buy into gold as an alternate currency, politicians tell senior citizens that social security checks may not come to garner favor on an unpopular position and media sells you on the idea that your vote really doesn't count as the electorate is too large for any one person to matter.  We must realize that we do have the power in each of us to set things right again and get our great country back on the path to independence and prosperity.

It starts with me.  Leadership must start internally.  The antidote to fear is knowledge.  Each of us has the ability to become informed.  Throw off the party line blinders that we have chosen to use for so long to continually cater to our general laziness.  Invest the time to research what the actual problems are and what solutions are being offered by various candidates.  I promise that you will be surprised at how clear it becomes once you step past the news headlines.   

As each of us takes up our own responsibilities of citizenship and begin to open our eyes to the truths all around us, the strength of our countries design will begin to emerge from the ashes of a failed organizer masquerading as a leader.

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